Similarity between English and German language
Origins of German and English Languages:
Where it is Spoken
: German is the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. It is also spoken in parts of Belgium, Luxembourg, and Italy. English, on the other hand, is the official language of the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It is also widely spoken in other parts of the world as a second language.Similarities between German and English
: One of the most obvious similarities between German and English is their shared vocabulary. Both languages have many words that are derived from the same root, such as "house" in English and "Haus" in German. Additionally, both languages use a similar structure for forming sentences, with subject-verb-object being the most common order. Another similarity between the two languages is their use of modal verbs. Both languages use words like "can," "should," and "must" to express modality. They also both use auxiliary verbs to form the past tense.Differences between German and English
: Despite their many similarities, there are also some notable differences between the German and English languages. One major difference is the gender system in German. Unlike English, which has no gender for nouns, German has three genders - masculine, feminine, and neuter. This means that the article used for a noun changes depending on its gender. Another major difference between the two languages is their pronunciation. German has many sounds that do not exist in English, such as the umlauted vowels (ä, ö, ü), while English has many sounds that do not exist in German, such as the "th" sound.Some English and German words that are very similar in spelling
Auto (car)
Bank (bank)
Boot (boat)
Box (box)
Brief (letter)
Chef (boss)
Club (club)
Cocktail (cocktail)
Computer (computer)
Date (date)
Design (design)
Disco (disco)
Drama (drama)
Ego (ego)
Event (event)
Film (film)
Flirt (flirt)
Form (form)
Foto (photo)
Hotel (hotel)
Image (image)
Job (job)
Junior (junior)
Keks (cookie)
Kilo (kilo)
Koks (coke)
Kredit (credit)
Labor (laboratory)
Lady (lady)
Level (level)
Lobby (lobby)
Logo (logo)
Lounge (lounge)
Mail (mail)
Manager (manager)
Menü (menu)
Messe (fair, trade show)
Meter (meter)
Monster (monster)
Museum (museum)
Natur (Nature)
Note (note)
Party (party)
Patient (patient)
Pizza (pizza)
Plan (plan)
Pop (pop)
Taxi (Taxi)
Poster (poster)
Radio (radio)
In conclusion, while German and English have distinct origins, they share many similarities in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Both languages have influenced each other over time, with English borrowing many words from German and vice versa. Whether you are learning German or English, understanding the similarities and differences between the two languages can help you to better communicate and appreciate their rich linguistic histories.
Additionally, German and English both have a similar sentence structure with a subject-verb-object pattern. This means that if you are looking for German language classes in Chennai, you already have a head start with your knowledge of English. Sprachlingua offers customized German language classes in Chennai, taught by experienced and qualified instructors who can help you build on your existing knowledge of English to learn German quickly and effectively.