Days of the Week in German
In this Blog, we will be seeing about the Days of the week in German.
Day in German is called Tag.
Week in German is called Woche.
So Weekday in German is Wochentag. ( Don't worry about the n suffix after Woche, We will deal about it in later chapters in detail)
Similar words
Monday is Montag. Friday is Freitag and Sunday is Sonntag.
Non Similar words
Tuesday is Dienstag.
Wednesday is middle of the week. Hence called Mittwoch in German.
Thursday is called so because of Thor's day (Thor is Thunder God). In German Thunder is Donner and hence called Donnerstag.
Saturday is Samstag
All days in German are Masculine
Ex : Der Montag, Der Dienstag etc.
The equivalent of on/in when it comes with days of week in German is am
Ex :
I am having an exam on monday
Ich habe am Montag eine Prüfung
The abbrevation of the German weekdays in emails or notice boards is
Monday Mo , Tuesday Di , Wednesday Mi, Thursday Do, Friday Fr, Saturday Sa, Sunday So
The day constraint From and to in German is von bis
I am having my exams from Monday until Friday
Ich habe meine Prüfungen von Montag bis Freitag
To know more about German weekdays, You can take up the German Quiz in the members area. This is accessible only for students who enrolled for German classes in Chennai with Sprachlingua.